EUROSOLAR invites cities, municipalities, architects, municipal and private companies, associations, organisations and cooperatives, journalists and of course citizens from all over Europe to apply for the European Solar Prize 2020 and be inspired by our energy pioneers.
„The Energy Transition is a major challenge for our society. It can only be achieved when we pool our efforts and our ideas, learn from each other and work together to make lasting changes. Only then will we create a sustainable future” said Henri Kox, former head of EUROSOLAR Luxembourg and current minister of housing, at the award ceremony last year.
Applications and proposals for the European Solar Prize can be submitted until online 16 August.
Applications must be submitted in English and include the applicant’s contact details, the category chosen and a summary containing the main information about the project. Additional information can be uploaded in a file of max. 10 MB. Further information on the categories, requirements and the selection procedure can be found here.
The details of the award ceremony will be announced in autumn this year.
About the European Solar Prize
EUROSOLAR established the European Solar Prize in 1994. In cooperation with its national sections, the awards ceremony takes place in a different European city each year. The prestigious European Solar Prize Awards is an opportunity for local actors from all over Europe to share their renewable energy projects with a wide audience of renewable energy peers, press and renowned experts from industry, politics and science.
EUROSOLAR e.V. – European Association for Renewable Energy
Julia Broich
phone: +49 (0) 228 289 1449 |