
The seven myths of wind energy

Article by Dr. Josep Puig i Boix Surprisingly, wind technology continues to suffer from a great deal of misunderstanding among some sectors; and it is the object of criticism and even hoaxes despite being a basic instrument for the energy transition and totally necessary for facing the fight against the climate crisis. These are some of the myths:

Germany as world market leader in hydrogen?

Article by Claus P. Baumeister The almost childlike joy of the German Minister of Economics, Peter Altmaier, was not difficult to see for himself at the press conference on June 10. At last he has his beloved hydrogen project home and dry, designed to catapult Germany to the world market leader in the hydrogen economy - Germany great again? Unfortunately, nobody really has explained to him that hydrogen (H2) is not a primary energy carrier, but has to be produced in an energy-intensive way and, if necessary, converted back into electricity or processed further (Power2X).

Tenant flows: Towards a citizen-driven energy transition

Article by Timon Gremmels, MP and Loïc Geipel, published in Solarzeitalter 1-2020 The German government's climate package is intended to finally revive the energy turnaround in Germany. But to achieve the climate targets, far-reaching measures are needed to give new impetus to the sluggish expansion of renewable energies. Tenant power has the potential to become the future driver of the energy turnaround.

„We are wasting precious time with angled advocacy patterns“

Interview with Dörte Fouquet, published in Solarzeitalter 1-2020 With the Communication from the Commission to the Parliament, the European Council, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions of 11.12.2019, the European Commission presented its proposal, the European "Green Deal".