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21. November 2022 @ 10:00 22. November 2022 @ 14:00

On November 21 and 22, 2022, we are organizing International Conferences on RENEWABLE ENERGY AND SOVEREIGNTY. They will be held at  the Josep Irla Auditorium in Girona

EUROSOLAR President Peter Droege helps open the two day conference Energis Renovables i Sobirania in Girona, Catalonia, on invitation by EUROSOLAR Catalonia and Spain.

The conference will be in the form of presentations and round tables.

We will gather the best experts from our country, and we will have speakers from Scotland and Denmark, two countries with similar characteristics to Catalonia and which are models and references in the management and implementation of renewable energies. We will also have the European vision on the Energy Communities.

Catalonia is still at the back of the queue in the implementation of renewable energies. 

The conference has the collaboration of the Honorable President Quim Torra i Pla, who will open and close it

PROGRAM    Link to detailed program  here 

Monday 21st from 10am to 5pm

  • Welcome by MHP Quim Torra i Pla
  • International presentations
    • Regenerative Earth Now –   Peter Droege – President EUROSOLAR
    • Renewables in Denmark – Søren Hermansen (Samsø Energy Academy, DK)
    • Net zero and Renewables in Scotland – Mark Richardson (Scottish Renewables, SCOT) 
  • Catalonia
    • The situation in Catalonia: Proencat 2050 and comparison with Denmark and Scotland

Break for LUNCH 

  • Round tables
    • Innovation, research and startups
    • Offshore wind power in Catalonia

Tuesday 22nd from 10am to 2pm

  • Round tables
    • Ecology, energy and sovereignty
    • Citizen participation in the generation of renewables
    • Economy and industry of renewable energies
  • Closing of the days in charge of MHP Quim Torra i Pla

Place: Josep Irla Auditorium, Girona